import inout.Console; /** * * @author Михайл Скиба <> */ public class Crypto { public static void main (String args []) { while (true) { int a, p, remainder, counter = 0; System. out. println("Please enter a"); a = Console.readInt(); System. out. println("Please enter p (must be prime)"); p = Console.readInt(); if (!isPrime(p)) { System. out. println(p + " is not a prime number!"); } do { counter++; remainder = (int) (Math. pow(a, counter ) % p );// Debug-Line: System.out.printf("%d^%d = %d mod %d\n", a, counter, remainder, p); } while (remainder != 1); System. out. printf("ord(%d)= %d", a, counter ); if (counter == (p - 1)) { System. out. printf(" (%d is a primitiv element)", a ); } System. out. println("Continue y?"); if(!Console.readString().equalsIgnoreCase("y")){ } } } // Shamelessly stolen from the interwebs ... // public static boolean isPrime(int n) { return !new String(new char[n ]). matches(".?|(..+?)\\1+"); } }